As part of our commitment to ensuring that physician voices are reflected as the Ministry of Health develops and implements it digital health strategy, we are seeking your input to inform provincial planning and improvement efforts on the electronic distribution of clinical reports.

Validating requirements and priorities 

Challenges with electronic distribution of clinical reports are a recognized burden for doctors and other health care providers in BC. As part of a broader strategy to support a connected health care system, the Ministry of Health and the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), in partnership with Doctors of BC, are working to improve report distribution to support quality care and reduce physician burden. This work is also part of broader provincial efforts to enable system-wide interoperability of EMRs, clinical systems, and digital health strategies.

Through prior small-group engagement and input, specialist and family physicians have identified requirements to address report distribution challenges and drafted a prioritized list of those requirements which will inform where the Ministry and PHSA focus their initial efforts.

We want to hear from you

Please take a few moments to tell us if the physician input gathered to date reflects your needs, concerns, and priorities by sharing your thoughts on a proposed list of priority requirements. Your feedback is crucial to ensure this work reflects doctors’ perspectives and will be used by the Ministry of Health and PHSA to guide the rollout of their efforts to address these issues.

To participate, visit our Have Your Say online member engagement platform before 11:59pm on August 29, 2023. 

We hope you will engage with us on this important topic. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact  

Visit our Engaging with you on Digital Health webpage to learn more about our broader and ongoing member engagement on the Ministry’s provincial Digital Health Strategy.