In September, we asked for your input on draft policy commitments and recommendations to improve gender equity in BC’s medical profession. These included action items by Doctors of BC and external parties, and addressed concerns including work-life integration, gender-based income gaps, and more.

Overall, support for the commitments and recommendations was high and the majority of respondents considered them important starting points for improving gender equity in BC medicine. You told us you were pleased this work is being done and reconfirmed the gender equity issues identified in the draft statement.

This was phase two of our member engagement on this issue, and input we’ve gathered will support the work of our Council on Health Economics and Policy Committee (CHEP) in their finalization of a policy statement on this important issue. A new What We Heard report on this round of engagement, including a summary of key themes, is now available.

What's next?

The policy statement will form the basis of Doctors of BC’s position on gender equity in medicine, and will be used to advocate for improvements in key areas to support systemic change in BC. The final statement will be available in early 2023, and will be shared with members and stakeholders, as well as posted in our Policy Database.

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