
Doctors of BC is strongly advocating on behalf of the profession and patients to address the crisis in primary care that is impacting both family doctors and specialists. As noted in our President and Board Chair’s Letter (login required), Doctors of BC’s board committed to greater transparency about how we are advocating for you, and to increase our public profile with a stronger tone and stance.

Last week, Doctors of BC played a major role in responding to the health minister’s comments about Nurse Practitioners at the legislature. Doctors of BC released a statement that was referenced in Question Period by the opposition health critic. We were also prominently mentioned in key media news items, including one on CTV and in the Times-Colonist. Our president also did a number of media interviews, including this one in the Vancouver Sun.   

Negotiations and primary care

As members know, negotiations are underway for a new Physician Master Agreement. While the PMA discussions continue, Doctors of BC is also in talks with government – outside of the PMA – to specifically raise compensation challenges faced by our family physicians. While negotiations continue, the provisions in the current PMA remain in place – and will do so until a new agreement is ratified by member. Watch for more updates about negotiations in the coming weeks. 


  • President Dr Ramneek Dosanjh and Board Chair Dr Adam Thompson will meet with the Premier and the Health Minister at the legislative buildings this week. 
  • Dr Dosanjh  will be attending the BC Family Doctor Day rally at BC’s legislature Thursday, May 19th in support of British Columbians without a family doctor.
  • Dr Ramneek Dosanjh and president-elect Dr Josh Greggain will take part in a live Q&A with the Vancouver Sun and Province at noon, Wednesday May 18th. Subscribers and registered users will get invitations Tuesday morning. If you would like to watch the session, but are not a subscriber, you can sign up before the end of day Monday for a free two week trial to either the Vancouver Sun or The Province.
  • Doctors of BC is preparing to launch an engagement with members – both family doctors and specialists – to learn how the challenges in primary care are impacting you, and to get your input into solutions to address them. The first sessions will take place at the Representative Assembly meeting on May 27th. The broad membership consultation will start in early to mid-June.  
  • Doctors of BC has held two sessions with divisions physician leads and executive directors to share information and seek input on our advocacy work, as well as to clarify the valuable yet different roles each organization plays. Dr Dosanjh and Dr Thompson attended the last session. This week’s session will also include Dr Trina Larsen Soles, Chair of the Statutory Negotiating Committee.

You told us you wanted your association to be more visible and to take a stronger public approach, and you told us you more transparency about our advocacy work. We heard you, and we thank you.

Watch for continuing updates and information on our advocacy work for both family doctors and specialists. Questions or comments? Email