Doctors of BC has launched phase two of our engagement on gender equity in medicine in BC, and we are seeking your feedback on a draft policy statement developed on this important issue. 

Informed by members

Research and member input gathered in phase one of our engagement indicates that female physicians tend to experience poorer work-life integration, gender-based income gaps, and lower representation in leadership opportunities. Doctors of BC’s Council on Health Economics and Policy (CHEP), a standing committee of the Board, has used this input to develop policy commitments and recommendations specific to the BC.

How to participate

Visit our Have your Say online member engagement platform to share your thoughts and help ensure we create policy that is relevant to you and your colleagues across BC.

This engagement opportunity closes on Thursday, September 29 at 11:59 pm. If you have any questions, please contact

The final policy statement, incorporating this round of feedback, will be shared in the coming months. It will be a starting point to better understanding these issues and building on individual and collective physician action to address them.