Doctors of BC runs largely on the power of doctors—doctors who dedicate their time and energy toward making British Columbia a better place to practice medicine. Together, the dozens of committees, the Board, and the Representative Assembly are the backbone of the organization. The Doctors of BC 2021 Report to Members summarizes the efforts of hundreds of BC doctors.
Doctors have had another challenging year in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the theme of this year’s report is “physician health and wellness.” To illustrate some of the ways the association has been working to support physicians through the pandemic, the report looks briefly at health and wellness advances made by the Physician Health Program, the Rural Coordination Centre of BC, and through divisions of family practice, the Joint Collaborative Committees, and the Council on Health Economics and Policy.
The report also contains a summary of the year from 2021 President Dr Matthew Chow, the Chair of the Board, the Speaker of the Representative Assembly, and the Acting CEO, reports speaking to what the association has been doing through this very difficult period. Also included is a full list of all the doctors who served on the association’s many committees in the year.
Read the full report.