A safe working environment is vital for doctors to provide outstanding care to their patients. However, the experience of living through the Covid-19 pandemic has instead demonstrated heightened concerns of violence and threats, causing stressful work environments for doctors. The structures and mechanisms developed to respond and prevent these issues for both hospital and community-based physicians lag far behind those for nurses and other staff working in facilities.

What Doctors of BC is doing

Doctors of BC is taking significant action to improve workplace safety for doctors through the Physician Health and Safety Agreement (the Memorandum of Agreement on Physical/Psychological Safety) incorporated in the 2019 Physician Master Agreement.  

This Agreement has created meaningful opportunities at the provincial level and at the local level in every health authority to make administrators aware of the issues around physician safety, to influence policy and programs, and to undertake projects and efforts to improve working conditions for physicians. 

Working with Medical Affairs and Occupational Health and Safety departments, Doctors of BC for the first time is able to engage on these matters and influence decision making, which has already established and delivered programs related to COVID-19 support, improvements in violence prevention, respectful workplace incidents, and blood and body fluid exposure support. 

Learn more about what’s happening in your region

To learn more about the Physician Health and Safety Agreement, as well as current projects and activities in your region, visit our Physician health and safety: PMA Memorandum of Agreement webpage or contact your Regional Advisor and Advocate.