Supporting QI activities

Compensation and certification are available for practice improvement activities supported by FPSC's practice support program.

Quality improvement (QI): Physicians and eligible team members who make practice improvements when working with our practice support team using a QI approach are eligible for compensation and certification.

We provide compensation and Mainpro+ credits to doctors and eligible team members who make practice improvements when working with our practice support team using our quality improvement approach.


Eligible members of the practice team include medical office assistants (MOAs), interdisciplinary team members in private practice, and other team members employed by a family physician practice. Team members who are employed or compensated by a health authority are not eligible.

Practice support is available for other aspects of your practice; however, these activities might not be eligible for compensation. Examples include basic EMR (electronic medical record) or virtual care platform training and human resource tasks related to hiring, administrative reporting, or hardware/software updates. 

Learning opportunities outside of FPSC's practice support program (such as continuing medical education (CME) sessions, etc.) are not certified or compensated. Our team can help connect physicians to additional resources that might be available from other provincial or community partners.


Family doctors and each eligible practice team member can receive payment for participating in quality improvement activities for up to 15 hours total per QI cycle. Family doctors are compensated at the JCC sessional rate at the time of the quality improvement activity.

Nurses and Nurse Practitioners of British Columbia (NNPBC) provides compensation to nurse practitioners (NPs) who are accessing our team’s support. 


This three-credits-per-hour group learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 45 Mainpro+ credits.


For more information about eligibility requirements for our compensation and certification, contact the FPSC Practice Support Program.