Optimization resources

FPSC's Practice Support Program (PSP) offers a range of EMR services that help doctors and their practice teams optimize their use of EMRs, and undertake quality improvement activities. PSP provides a tailored approach to understanding how your EMR can improve your office efficiency and clinical practice.

Learn more about the Practice Support Program and how they can support family physicians and teams to optimize their use of EMRs.

Below are some helpful resources to help physicians improve their EMR usage skills

Encounter, attachment, and shift reporting EMR orientation guides 

Outline how to submit encounter, attachment, and shift records in your EMR using a step-by-step approach.

Resources for physicians on the LFP Payment Model

These resources are intended to support physicians on the LFP Payment Model use their EMR to enter LFP payment codes. The outline how to enter codes using a step-by-step approach into the EMR application. Screenshots have been included to demonstrate how to use the EMR to complete each step.