One of the ways that members can make a real difference to help shape the future of the medical profession is to get involved in one of Doctors of BC’s committees.

Take%20the%20OpportunityIf you have an interest in policy development, we hope you will consider putting your name forward for two open positions on our Council on Health Economics and Policy (CHEP).

What does CHEP do?

  • Directs the activities of Doctors of BC concerned with the assessment and formulation of policy options relating to the economics, organization, and management of the health care system.

  • Supports Doctors of BC in its communication with all levels of government to ensure that the voice of the profession is heard at the federal,provincial, and regional levels.

  • Develops and maintains stakeholder relations as appropriate or relevant to the assessment and formulation of policy options relating to the economics, organization, and management of the health care system.

Want to learn more?

Information on skill set requirements, Terms of Reference and how to apply can be found here. All applicants must be a member in good standing of the Doctors of BC.

A number of positions are currently open on Doctors of BC and Joint Collaborative Committees, for more information click here.