We are often asked the following question by physicians: How do I/we apply for funding support for projects through the Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs)?
The first thing to keep in mind that is that a lot of the collaborative work through the Joint Collaborative Committees (JCCs) is about building partnerships; it’s not all about funding. As part of these partnerships, some sources of funding may be available for physicians who are working on innovative and relevant projects that will improve patient care and build a stronger health care system.
Note: Information funding support for physicians for management and leadership training can be found at the bottom of this page.
Potential partnerships and/or sources funding for physicians, physician organizations and/or groups within the JCCs
Shared Care Committee
General partnership and/or funding guidelines are available here.
On this page you also find templates for those interested in applying for funding under the following streams of work:
- Coordinating complex care for older adults
- Partners in care/Transitions in Care
- Spread Networks (maternity, chronic pain, adult mental health and substance use)
Specialist Services Committee
Partnerships and/or funding from the Specialist Services Committee include
- Physician Quality Improvement supports physicians to learn and apply quality improvement concepts. Physicians can apply for funding through their health authorities to participate. Contact emails can be found under ‘Access Support’ on this page: http://sscbc.ca/physician-engagement/regional-quality-improvement-initi…
- Health System Redesign compensates physicians for participation in time-limited, project-based, system redesign work. Funding is administered through health authorities. Contacts per HA can be found on this page: http://sscbc.ca/system-improvement/health-system-redesign
- At the local level, partnerships and funding may be available through your local Medical Staff Associations.
General Practice Services Committee
Family physicians may be eligible to apply for project funding through their local division of family practice. Funding is available through the innovation fund, please contact your division for details about the application process.
Information on funding available for physician leadership training
Family Physicians
GPSC Leadership and Management Development Program funding is available to build or enhance physician leadership and management skills. Information can be found here.
Shared Care Committee also supports Family Physicians with leadership and quality improvement skills development, in partnership with the Specialist Services Committee. Information can be found here.
Physician Leadership and Quality Improvement Training program for specialists - compensates physicians to develop, strengthen and apply their leadership skills. Majority of funding is administered through health authorities. Details can be found under ‘How to Apply’ on this page: http://sscbc.ca/physician-engagement/leadership-training-scholarship