A purpose shaped by BC doctors

The 125th Anniversary of Doctors of BC (formerly the British Columbia Medical Association, or BCMA) is a landmark milestone that represents more than a century of advocating for and supporting physicians across BC. This steadfast commitment has defined our association and helped to frame the current health care landscape in our province.

Doctors of BC’s purpose has always been led by our members, BC’s doctors. Through the Board of Directors, the Representative Assembly, the 30+ physician-led committees, and the thousands of physicians throughout the province who make their voices heard, we support doctors in influencing real change for the health care system and their patients.

Our 125-year history of advocacy and support for doctors in this province was our purpose then, and it’s still our purpose now. But we also believe knowing our history means we can shape our future.

Our evolution also includes acknowledging the injustices of the past, recognizing that First Nations, Métis, Inuit people and other equity-denied groups have experienced racist, harmful, or unequal medical treatment or consideration by doctors or the association itself. We continue to reaffirm our commitment to learning from this history to inform and guide our work towards addressing and eliminating racism and fostering equity in the health care system to ensure better outcomes for all patients and a stronger foundation for our profession.

Over these 125 years, our association has continuously evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of our members, our profession, and our health care system. Whether negotiating with government, advocating for physician health and safety, collaborating on patient quality initiatives, or addressing critical health care challenges, doctors lead and define who we are and what we do.

Over the course of this year, we will explore key members, milestones, and movements that have shaped Doctors of BC over the last 125 years and will continue to help shape our purpose for the next 125. 

Anniversary stories

Pieces of the past

Browse items and resources pulled from the Doctors of BC archives.

Golden Jubilee Brochure

BCMA Golden Jubilee Anniversary brochure

Explore highlights from our first 50 years, as BCMA.

1998 BCMA News

1998 BCMA News

Scroll through the August 1998 edition which recounts a lively AGM.

The BCMA, Then and Now

BCMA: Then and Now

Dr Brad Fritz takes readers through a selected history of Doctors of BC.