Update on Coronavirus

March 6, 2020

Dear Colleagues:
I am writing to update you on the evolving COVID-19 situation in BC and the work of Doctors of BC to support you. 

Physicians are currently and will increasingly play a critical role should the virus spread. We know you are seeking information and action on a range of issues related to the response to the virus. I want to assure you that Doctors of BC is connecting with the Provincial Health Officer, and the Ministry of Health, as well as participating in twice-weekly briefings with health care sector leaders. Our goal is to advocate to ensure patients’ needs are met in a way that protects the health and well-being of physicians and their staff, and that appropriate channels are in place so that all physicians have access to up-to-date and reliable information.      

This afternoon, I attended a briefing led by Dr Bonnie Henry, the Provincial Health Officer. She advised that Health Authorities are ramping up their detailed planning to support front-line health care workers, including those practicing in the community. That information is in the process of being shared with Divisions of Family Practice. Dr Henry also advised that the government is working at the provincial and federal levels to bulk purchase protective supplies. Doctors of BC will continue to participate in twice-weekly briefings involving a broad range of health sector representatives.

Insurance and Benefits

One of the common questions we are hearing from physicians relates to benefits and coverage if a physician must enter quarantine. If that happens, they may be eligible for modest benefits, under the Quarantine Income Replacement (QIR) provision of the Physician Master Agreement (PMA). In cases of serious or prolonged illness, physicians can make a claim through disability insurance programs in which they are enrolled. More detailed information on insurance coverage will be released in the near future. 

Next steps – Communications and Information

There are multiple sources of information on this topic. Doctors of BC will provide you with more details on our advocacy work and insurance benefits. Dr Bonnie Henry is providing regular updates to physicians being sent to you through the College e-mail distribution list, and we are advised that Health Authorities are increasing their engagement with front-line care providers. Please watch your e-mail inboxes, and check your HA websites for these updates.

Doctors of BC values all of the questions and concerns members have forwarded to us. I encourage you to continue to raise any new concerns or challenges you encounter with your Regional Advisors and Advocates (RAAs), who can help to resolve issues with your Health Authorities and will share information with the senior team at Doctors of BC. This will enable us to best address those issues with those leading the public health response at the provincial and regional levels.  

As a physician who stands on the front lines with you, I want to thank you on behalf of the Association for your ongoing dedication and commitment to serving the medical needs of our communities during this challenging time.
As always, feel free to e-mail me as always at


Dr Kathleen Ross
President, Doctors of BC