CMA Honorary Membership Award

CMA Honorary Membership

BC doctors who, by at least the age of 65, have been a member in good standing of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) for at least 10 years are eligible for the Honorary Membership award.

Nomination Criteria

Nominees must be nominated by their provincial/territorial medical associations and have had their nominations approved unanimously by the Board of Directors of the CMA. They are held in high regard by their colleagues and are humanitarians who have put into practice the aims and ideals of the profession. They are people who exemplify the words of the CMA Coat of Arms: "Integritate et misericordia” – integrity and compassion.

All nominations must include:

  • A nomination letter detailing the nominee's contributions and/or achievements
  • The nominee's current curriculum vitae 

The deadline for nominations is February 21, 2025.

To submit your online nomination please click here. Should you have any questions please email

See previous recipients of the CMA Honorary Membership Award.