Dr Don Rix Award for Physician Leadership

Dr Don Rix Award for Physician Leadership

Established in memory of the late Dr Donald Rix for his many achievements and for his exemplary physician leadership exhibited throughout his life and career, this award recognizes lifetime achievement so outstanding that it serves as an inspiration and a challenge to the medical profession in British Columbia.

Nomination Criteria

Nominees have achieved distinction in one or more of the following ways:

  • Supported lifelong learning opportunities.
  • Promoted excellence in medical education.
  • Built consensus among physicians and groups of physicians.
  • Provided leadership for new initiatives both in business and clinical practice.
  • Provided leadership and service to the general community or province either by direct support or through philanthropy.
  • Provided service to the medical profession through participation in Doctors of BC.
  • Provided leadership to the broader medical community.
  • Participated in legislative and other political activities in support of health care.

Doctors of BC members can nominate a member in good standing for the award; however, nominees cannot currently sit as a Doctors of BC Representative Assembly delegate, a member of the Doctors of BC Board of Directors, a member of the Awards Panel, or as an active employee of Doctors of BC. One award is presented annually.

All nominations must include:

  • One nomination letter clearly describing why the nominee is deserving of this award
  • One letter of support detailing the nominee's contributions and/or achievements
  • The nominee's current curriculum vitae

Submit a Nomination

To submit your online nomination please click here. Should you have any questions, please email

The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2025.

See previous recipients of the Don Rix Award.