Doctors speaking
March 21, 2023

Doctors of BC says it fully supports a recent proposal to bring in a new national standard for medical licensing, although it’s skeptical about the feasibility of the suggested strategy.

Doctors of BC President Joshua Greggain says the organization is in full support of Poilievre’s recent...

Chek News logo
March 20, 2023

Doctors of BC president says he is optimistic about the number of family doctors signing up for the new pay model. After implementing the new payment model for family doctors in the province that came into effect Feb. 1, roughly half of the family doctors in the province have signed on as of...

Vancouver Sun
March 13, 2023

More than half of BC's full-time family physicians have switched to the new fee structure, billed as a way to increase people's access to a family doctor and stop those in family practice from fleeing a system that was burning them out. “I think we’ve built an attractive model so that patients...

March 7, 2023

Doctors of BC says it’s pleased at the uptake to BC’s new family doctor payment model, but many physicians appear to still be taking a wait-and-see approach. Doctors of BC says more than 2,000 physicians have signed up for the Longitudinal Family Practice pay scheme in...

February 28, 2023

Financial adviser Remi Tran, whose 70-year-old father died of liver cancer after a months-long wait to see an oncologist, hopes today’s budget announcement for health care will improve outcomes and spare other families what his endured. The province is expected to unveil how much of its budget...