Doctors speaking
Times Colonist logo
February 21, 2023

Dr. Joshua Greggain, who lives in Victoria, volunteered to take ER shifts Saturday through Monday at Port Hardy Hospital to assist with an acute staffing shortage that worsened when one physician lost his ER privileges this month. Greggain said physicians are needed as locums in the community...

CBC Listen
February 9, 2023

Doctors of BC President, Dr Joshua Greggain joins CBC's Stephen Quinn to discuss the federal government's healthcare funding package. “It's always about how we are going to do this alongside the province to ensure the needs of British Columbians are met.” Regarding specific areas in which the...

CBC News
February 2, 2023

The new framework allows physicians to scrap the current fee-for-service system that saw them paid a flat rate per patient visit and be paid instead for a range of duties that come with the job. "I believe it's the most significant reform to primary care in my lifetime in the history of the...

CTV News
February 1, 2023

“Every physician probably has a story of someone they know who was penalized in some way for seeking health care for mental health, for being honest and courageously seeking help,” said Dr. Anne Nguyen, a consultant in the Doctors of BC’s Physician Health Program. 

The program's...

CTV News
January 23, 2023

The BC government, in partnership with Doctors of BC, has released details about its new payment model for family doctors, a plan that could reshape primary care across the province.

“We really feel like by lifting up family medicine, our primary care, and leaning into team-based care,...