Health Policy
February 1, 2012

British Columbians deserve an effective, efficient, accessible, and publicly funded health system. The Doctors of BC supports the expansion of privately delivered, publicly funded health services provided that these services are delivered efficiently and that high quality care is ensured.

August 1, 2011

Doctors of BC supports efforts to enhance multidisciplinary primary care in BC as an important solution to the challenges of the increasing prevalence of chronic disease, the growing needs of an aging population, and the ongoing concerns of patient access to primary care.

The provincial...

August 1, 2011

The Doctors of BC believes the provincial and federal governments should raise the annual medical student loan limits to an amount adequate to cover medical school tuition, fees, text books, medical equipment, transportation, and living expenses. This amount should be revised annually to reflect...

August 1, 2011

Doctors of BC supports, in principle, the expansion of activity-based funding in provincial health regions. Activity-based funding makes a direct link between the number of services performed and the funding of those services.

The priority of activity-based funding is to improve the...

July 1, 2011

In order to improve access to acute care services, the Doctors of BC calls on the provincial government to:

Establish modeling for the supply of functional acute care beds based on clinically appropriate standards. These standards should reflect the realities of the practice setting and...