Health Policy

Time to Hang Up: Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Public Consultation on “Distracted Drivers: Use of Cell Phones and other Technologies while Driving"

July 1, 2009

BC doctors believe that efforts to improve road safety and reduce unnecessary injuries and fatalities on BC’s roads must continue. In keeping with our commitment to public health and safety, we believe that BC should introduce legislation to ban the use of cell phones and texting while driving. Despite individuals who believe it is their right to use a cell phone while driving, BC physicians believe driving should be considered a privilege, and individuals should not have the right to put someone else’s safety in jeopardy. The increasing use of cell phones by drivers gives urgency to this matter, and it is prudent that we act now to minimize risk to British Columbians. We therefore welcome the opportunity to provide input to the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles (OSMV) on the use of cell phones while driving. 

The Doctors of BC submission provides answers to the following questions posed by the OSMV:

  1. 1. Do you think government should pass additional laws restricting the use of electronic devices while driving, or should emphasis be placed on increased public education and awareness and the enforcement of existing laws governing driver distraction (e.g., Driving Without DueCare and Attention)? 
  2. Which electronic devices should be considered under this framework?
  3. Should hands-free devices be treated the same or differently as hand-held devices?
  4. What would be the appropriate penalties for drivers disobeying such a law (e.g., failure to wear a seatbelt is a fine of $167)?
  5. Should any proposed laws apply to all drivers, or only specific categories of drivers (i.e., new drivers)?
  6. Should exemptions be provided to any class of drivers (i.e., emergency responders, professional drivers, etc.)?

For the full submission, please see “Time to Hang Up: Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Public Consultation on “Distracted Drivers: Use of Cell Phones and other Technologies while Driving”.