Youth says heartfelt thanks to initiative that changed her life

August 10, 2017

Laurie Edmundson has struggled with severe anxiety and other mental health challenges her whole life. It was for this reason that she was asked to join the Child and Youth Mental Health and Substance Use (CYMHSU) Collaborative as a youth with lived experience. The Collaborative is an initiative of the Shared Care Committee, a partnership between Doctors of BC and the BC Ministry of Health.

On Wednesday, Laurie publicized an open letter of thanks to the Collaborative on her Twitter account in celebration of #YouthDay on Saturday, August 12. In her letter, Laurie reflects on how her life has been impacted in the two years she has been involved in the Collaborative - where she was, where she is now, and how being one of 295 youth and parents integrally involved in system transformation, has empowered her to make significant changes in own life. Laurie states "Youth leaders have been empowered to make changes in mental health through this program. And in doing so we are helping others while healing ourselves."


Read Laurie's full letter, here (pdf). 

Laurie is encouraging others to share their experiences as Youth Day approaches this weekend and has provided this graphic for sharing on social media. 

Click here to download the graphic for your use.

Thanks to Laurie for so openly sharing her experiences, and for the Collaborative for making such a difference in the lives of so many. Happy Youth Day!